I may be a little late to the party in terms of reading/listening to Rachel Hollis' best selling book
Girl, Stop Apologizing, but something really resonated with me when she was narrating the first chapter.
We, as women, take care of everybody else and deny OURSELVES the care we need BECAUSE WE THINK THAT'S NOT BEING A "GOOD" WIFE, MOTHER, OR HUMAN.
It's true ladies, most of us do this.
We think that by putting ourselves last, and everyone else and everything else first, we are somehow the best versions of ourselves.
In fact, when we fail, and yes it is a failure on our part to not take care of ourselves, we deny those around us the BEST part of who we are.
So, as we approach the busiest time of the year, here are 10 EASY ways to practice self-care.
Go for a Long Walk.
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Put on your tennies, grab your coat if it's chilly, and take a walk.
It can be in your neighborhood, a local walking path, or even a high school track.
DO NOT take your children (if you have them). Have someone ELSE take care of them for the 30 or so minutes you will be gone. If you want, you can couple this walk with your weekly trip to the grocery store. Walk first then go grocery shopping. What's an extra 30 minutes?
Walk at a pace that makes you comfortable, but not winded. This isn't a workout session.
Breathe deeply. Take in the sounds of the things around you. Swing your arms or keep them in your pocket. It's about getting in your own space, doing your own thing for you.
Have a Dance Party!
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You can include your kids or not on this one, but put on some of your favorite music and dance for at least 5 to 10 minutes. If you include your kids, THEY DO NOT GET TO PICK THE MUSIC!!!
Do Not, I repeat, Do Not, dance to Kids Bop, the Frozen soundtrack, or anything Disney related.
This is about you.
Me? I'd pick 70's Soul like Earth, Wind, & Fire. "September" get's me going every time.
(I'm chair dancing to this as I am writing this post!!!)
Dancing releases endorphins. This is great for your brain. It's a stress reliever and calming mechanism that lasts past the 10 minutes of groove time.
Plus, if you have your kids with you they can experience YOUR favorite tunes with you. It's a great way to introduce a piece of you to them.
Listen to a Podcast or a Book on Audible
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
I have become really enamored with podcasts and audible books. I love listening to them in the car or on my headphones at home.
The whole reason for this post came about because of listening to a book while I was working on something else.
There are tons of podcasts and recorded books on every topic imaginable.
Self-care? Check. Raising children? Check. True Crime Stories? Check. Budgeting? Check
Politics? Check. Living in NYC at 24? Check. Gardening? Check. Motivation? Check.
You can indulge in something that really interests you in the privacy of your own car or headphones without being judged... like if you seriously love ridiculous, sappy, unrealistic, Regency-era, romantic novels, it's all there for you.
You can listen for as long as your heart desires or time allows and not tell a single soul!
Google "podcast" to see what's available on your devices.
Brain Dump
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
Grab yourself a notebook that's totally unused, brand new, and just waiting for YOU to use it.
Don't focus on "pretty" or writing in your best handwriting.
Start by just writing anything that comes to mind.
Hear me out on this... this is not a journal. You are putting on paper all the myriad of thoughts and ideas that come to your mind.
No rhyme or reason...yet.
As you write, you may see patterns emerge. A list of things you want to do. Ideas for the PTO or community groups you belong to. Pinterest projects you want to try. Reminders to go through your clothes, or the kid's clothes, or hubby's clothes.
The purpose of a dump is to give your brain some relief from all those ideas and thoughts that circle around, over and over again, interrupting your day and adding to your stress level.
They are important but have you ever noticed that they come at the oddest times, or when you can't immediately get to them, or as you are desperately trying to fall asleep.
Getting them out on paper gives your brain a rest, but still allows you to have them and take action when and where it's needed.
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I realize that you may not have time for a gym membership with an hour-long yoga class.
Not many people do, but it's still not an excuse to not stretch daily.
It's the endorphins thing that I just spoke about.
Stretching is imperative if you are a busy lady. Stretching helps keep your body flexible and your mind calm, which can assist you with your busy lifestyle.
There are COUNTLESS 10 minute or more routines to be found on YouTube that you can simply open up and follow. No special clothing, mats, or tennies required. You can even get your kids involved with this one because good practice starts early on in life.
Yoga with Kassandra is a great one to try, but you can use the search bar to find hundreds of options.
Lunch Date with a Friend
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Make a date with a girlfriend to have a meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it doesn't matter.
Connecting with friends outside of your family is so important for women. We need the relationships that other women offer to feed our souls.
Connecting with someone who shares your same experiences, who can listen (in person, not always on the phone), laugh or cry with you...this is such great self-care.
Sitting across from them, sharing food, allows you to have an enjoyable experience.
See, when we eat, we feel compelled to spend time eating and enjoying our food. When we couple that will a friend, we can more readily turn off the excuses in our brain that tell us all the reasons why we don't have time to do this.
You have to eat, right? So, let's do it with a friend!
Buy Yourself Flowers
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
For less than $20 you can buy yourself some beautiful grocery store flowers.
Make a commitment to do this at least once a month.
Put them where YOU will most enjoy them, like in your bedroom or bathroom or next to your favorite chair in the living room.
Flowers add "life" to a room, and the smell can create a stress-relieving atmosphere.
Flowers feel indulgent without a big price tag.
If you are not sure how to arrange them when you get them home, check out this post here for a great tutorial. I spent less than $5 on my flowers!
Take a Bath
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This is an easy one.
You have to wash, right? Take a bath first then finish with a shower to wash your hair if need be.
Fill the tub with water at your perfect temperature.
All bath or Epsom salts, and/or essential oils, or even good old-fashioned baking soda for smooth skin.
Light a candle, put on a podcast or soothing music and get in.
Stay in. I mean this. Stay in.
You are relaxing. Set a timer if you must, but gosh darn it...RELAX!
Let the warm water dissolve some of the stress and just focus on how it feels to relax. You are not to solve complicated issues while you are naked and in the tub.
Get a Massage or Book a Spa Day
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
This may seem super indulgent, but get away and let someone else take care of you.
Ask for spa gift-certificates for Christmas or your birthday.
Just like in the tub, when you are there, indulge and enjoy the experience WITHOUT thinking or dwelling on the hundreds of issues you think only you can solve.
You don't need to spend the whole day there, but even a mani/pedi is a spa appointment, so book one and take a few hours away from your life to get back to the land of the living, so to speak.
Ask around, use Yelp, or call local establishments that offer spa treatments.
Check out prices, but especially check out reviews. Get the most for your money and time.
and finally.....
Create Positive Self Affirmations
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
Start each day by looking at yourself in the mirror and say at least one positive statement about YOU.
This is NOT an example:
"I'm going to have a great day."
"I'm a great human being who will make this a great day."
See the difference? You are a great human. You choose to make the day great or not.
Start a list of positive affirmations that use I or Me in them.
People like ME because I make them smile.
I have great hair.
I am creative and share this gift with others.
My children love ME because I am beautiful to them.
I am a great spouse who supports and lifts my partner up.
This household is on budget because of MY efforts to keep us that way.
It's easy to do.
Write it down in your Brain Dump book then create a list to read and reread over and over again.
What you put out in the universe comes back to you.
That's a big rule that's never broken!
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