I am an ardent jewelry lover.
In fact, as a child, I would always look at the jewelry that the adult women wore around me. I was very good at identifying the actual ladies because of their jewels.
It's only gotten "worse" as I've grown up.
So, after seeing lots and lots of ads and enticements for Rockbox, I decided to try them out and do an honest review for you.
Let's get started.
It all starts with their online website at rocksbox.com
They brand themselves as "The Ultimate Jewelry Subscription Box."
You click on and "join" the subscription process, guaranteeing them a $21 deposit each month your box is delivered. (This is applied if you purchase - more about that later.)
It will come in a white mailing envelope as shown above.
Once you open the envelope (DO NOT DISCARD IT) you will find this gray and peach box inside.
Let me back track a little bit.
Upon joining, you will take a quiz so that your jewelry stylist can define your personal preferences.
Do you prefer metals that are gold, silver, or both?
Do you like bold or minimalist jewelry?
Are you partial to rings, necklaces, bracelets, or earrings?
Are you more casual, trendy, or eclectic?
You don't have to be one or the other, and can have all different types of pieces, but it does help with narrowing down what you would never wear.
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Photo Credit: Rocksbox |
Then the site asks you to go through all their pieces and start a wish list.
I mean, you literally just get to tap and "save" all the pieces that you would like to try.
They become part of your wishlist - from which your stylist will choose each boxed collection.
Ready to open the box?
It's time to shine!
Of course, there are a few bit of paper hiding the jewels beneath, but they are important and create anticipation.
Here's where I was excited about this subscription box.
If you love it, buy it.
If you don't love it, return it.
Yep...you are under no obligation to keep one or all of the pieces.
(But since, you've picked these things, you probably will like what's inside...)
You get a detailed breakdown of each of the three pieces.
Now, these will not be a surprise to you.
First, you picked them and placed them in your wish list.
Second, you will receive an email from rockbox prior to shipment where you can "change out" what they have picked from your wish list for something else from said list.
See, I already knew what was coming..
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Photo Credit: Rocksbox |
Now, this may be a disappointment if you love the surprise element, but I was glad that I got to rearrange their selections to my own. I changed out the ring and the earrings, but kept the necklace that was orginally chosen for me.
Back to the box...
My stylist Jamie had a little "note" where she acknowledged that I had changed some of her selections.
It's a personal touch that adds to the fun of the box.
There's a quick and easy description of the process:
A care card is also included, which is helpful IF you are going to keep or return the pieces.
Then jewelry is presented well; wrapped in peach dotted tissue paper with a little sticker closure.
Once to open that, you will find your three pieces inside soft little bags, carefully contained in small ziplocs or on cards.
Peaking below those bags is the return label for the original mailing envelope. You will want to keep both of these pieces safe in order to return any of the items.
Here's what I got...
These are the Ava Rose Camden Earringing in Gold toned metal and Rhodolite.
They appear more coral here, but are actually a soft rose pink tone, perfect for the fall months.
I think these are well made and look actually like Kendra Scott (of which Rockbox also has in their inventory).
I LOVE these. Great Statement Earrings!!!
Next was the Ava Rose Lexington Band Ring.
You can indicate what size you need if you are choosing different rings for different fingers.
I take a 7 on my middle finger.
It was well made and the inside of the band was smooth and polished, so it was also comfortable.
I like this ring, however, I think I'm returning it because I have similar bands... not sure yet, we will see.
The last piece is the Sophie Harper Rose Gold Bar Layer Necklace.
I like this one a lot. It's simple, delicate, and rose gold is very in and I don't have a lot of it in my personal collection.
I wore it already and liked how it looked. It also layed well across my neckline and didn't roll around like more delicate necklaces seem to do with me.
I've not made up my mind about this one yet either.
So, now it's time for the down and dirty.
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Photo Credit: Pexels |
If I buy all three pieces, I will pay $124 in total.
This is a discount of $66 from the retail prices and includes my $21 monthly cost.
I can make my selections online and pay online as well.
I can also rate each piece and make specific comments about each one.
Now, here's the FUN part.
I can keep these pieces, wear them, and return them whenever I want.
I can also keep a few, return the rest, and start on my next collection.
Imagine how great this would be is you were looking for a special piece to wear but didn't want to invest more than $21 for it?
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Photo Credit: Rocksbox |
If I decide that I want to take a budget break (the $21 required cost per month), I can hold my membership for 3 or 6 months.
I can also cancel membership at anytime right on the website.
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Photo Credit: Rocksbox |
I'll be over on the site looking to see what I can select for my next box...
Because, you know...there are no rules.
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