Saturday, July 13, 2019

DIY No Cost Jewelry Display

As I've continued to make things for the new California apartment that darling daughter is moving into, I keep finding interesting inspiration and ideas from Pinterest.

Here was the latest.

This jewelry holder was so cute.  I knew my daughter would use something like this to keep her most worn jewelry handy, tangle free, and part of the decor.


I went through all the bits and pieces of past projects, wood slices, and stain to create something similar for no cost.

I literally had everything I needed in my basement workshop.

I grabbed everything you see here, not even worrying about the length of the wood base.  

I had the dowel from a previous project and the wood "buttons" are typically used for plugging holes created with a countersunk screw.

The cup hooks were also leftover and not all exactly the same size, but close enough for this project.

I started by hammering in two panel nails on each end of the wooden dowel.

I drilled a very small hole prior to hammering in the nails in order to NOT split the wood.

Using a second piece of scrap wood as a depth gauge and to hold the dowel steady, I hammered the dowel into the base piece.

This gives you a great angle of the amount of space between the dowel and the base.

Once the nails were in the base piece, I used a nail set tool to hammer the nails just below the surface.

This allowed me to add some wood filler over the nail heads, hiding them from view.

I glued the little wood buttons to the end of the dowel with Gorilla Wood Glue and let it dry.

Then I stained it all with my combo stain (a bit of this and that stains combined together).

As the stain was drying, I pushed the cup hooks into the bottom of this cardboard box and spray painted them with a  matte gold spray.

I let them dry overnight along with the holder.

The next day, after the stain was dry, I laid out the hooks on the bottom, eye-balling the distance between each hook.

I then made little dots where I wanted each one to go and took my small drill bit to create starter holes for each hook.

I added two sawtooth hangers to the back so that it would be sturdy and level when hung on the wall.

This was the final result.

It's going to be great in her bathroom area, perfect for holding a few pairs of earrings, a ring or two, and of course a few necklaces.

I love when functional things also serve as decor items.

It's definitely a way to break the rules!

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