Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Simple Plant Care Project

I love plants and flowers in my home, but I don't want to invest a lot in constant care and attention.

I currently have a few easy plants that only require a once a week watering, but like furniture, plants need to be dusted which can be quite the task when you look at the number of leaves.

I did a bit of research and found the perfect solution.

An easy to make recipe that anyone can create and use.

You will need a glass bottle with a spray nozzle.

I had these already, but you can easily find them at Amazon.

I used a 16 oz size in the Amber glass, but there are many varieties of colored and clear glass to choose from.

In each bottle (I gifted one to my mom as well for Mother's Day), I put a capful of Thieves Cleaner, 20 drops of Citrus Fresh essential oil, and topped the rest of the bottle with tap water.

But I wasn't content to leave the bottles unadorned.

I turned on my Cricut and designed a cute vinyl label for the front.

If you don't have a Cricut, you can simply make your own paper label and attach it with clear packing tape.

This concoction needs to be shaken prior to each use.

So, I pulled out by Brother label maker and created those short directions.

I looked through my sticker stash and found some cute palm leaf stickers.

I used one to accompany the directions of the back of each bottle.

I grabbed my first dirty plant and placed it in my kitchen sink.

You could also do this outside.

You can see how dusty (we recently had some drywall repaired and sanded) the leaves were.

Plants require clean leaves in order to process through photosynthesis.

Outside, the rain takes care of that, but inside is another story. 

I simply sprayed to leaf clusters, starting a the top and working my way down.

As the top leaves drip down, they create a nice waterfall effect, cleaning the leaves below them as well.

I left the plant to drip dry in the sink for about an hour and then traded it out for another one.

It worked like a charm and now all my house plants are clean and happy.

This is one cleaning job I will gladly do because it takes me very little time and effort for such a great return.

Now, go ahead and make your own Plant Care Spray!

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