Avoidance is something that I believe we all like to do when presented with a complex situation that makes us feel uncomfortable.
It's only human.
But, challenges are a part of life!
We need them because they change us and can make us better: physically, emotionally, and mentally.
What challenges have you had in your life?
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Photo Credit: Vladislav Vasnetsov |
Maybe one of the first challenges that you can remember was an athletic challenge.
Competition forces us to push ourselves to be better than we think we are and improve physically.
As a child, I swam on the swim team of our local country club. For me, it was more of a social event because I wasn't (even now) very competitive.
However, I did improve physically just being in the pool at practice every day.
It may not have been a challenge per se, but it did challenge my muscles.
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Photo Credit: Aline Viana Prado |
One of the challenges I specifically remember was trying to navigate girl groups and friend groups throughout middle and high school.
And can I say... it was a CHALLENGE!
Of course, we didn't have cell phones or the internet back then, but secretive passed notes were just as damaging as any group text messaging.
Combine physical growth and changes with emotional immaturity and hormonal angst: gives you the perfect recipe for a challenge.
Like most people, we all get through it and survive and learn how to navigate adulthood with its many challenges as well.
Now, as a 50-something adult, I see challenges in such a different way and welcome them into my life.
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Photo Credit: Stanley Nguma |
Things like traffic present an emotional challenge.
For most, traffic is a dreaded experience, however, I don't' mind being in traffic.
I plan accordingly for traffic if I'm on a time crunch, but if I happen to "drive" into it unexpectedly, I take that time to really look around and "rest" from everything that I can't do while I'm there.
I put on a good audiobook or tune list from Spotify, or I make a call to someone I can spend some needed time talking to - time that's not encumbered by laundry to be done or a house to be cleaned.
I relax into the traffic experience and take it as a moment to Zen out.
I CAN'T go anywhere, so I might as well look at this challenge as a "gift" to center myself.
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Photo Credit: Daria Shevtson |
One of the challenges that I've presented to myself in the new year is cooking more meals at home by delving into new recipes.
It's actually going great!
I like to cook, but the "challenge" was always a time and "what should we eat" consideration.
Now, I'm planning out meals for the week, making a grocery list, prepping our healthy snacks for the week, and diving whole-heartedly into new and varied recipes.
Some have been amazing, some have been okay...
It's really about trying something new and then figuring out if it's a keeper or not.
Hubby is liking that we are not spending as much of our dollars eating out and I'm liking that I have healthy options to choose when snacking and eating.
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Photo Credit: Tom Swinnen |
A big challenge for me since I've retired is exercising.
In fact, I've committed to going to a yoga class 3-4 times each week.
Now, yoga might not sound like a "challenge" to you, but when you trying to stretch those shortened, atrophied muscles/tendons/ligaments into pretzel-like combinations...
It's hard work.
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Photo Credit: Chevanon Photography |
I'm nowhere near to mastering the yoga moves and poses, but I am much closer than I was when I started.
I can feel the changes in my body every class, even when many of the poses are still physically challenging my body.
It's a challenge that I love - and that's not something I thought I'd ever say about exercise!
It's important to remember that not all challenges are welcomed.
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Photo Credit: Gelgas |
Sometimes life is just so darn hard.
It's messy and yucky and heart-breaking and just feels like it's going to overwhelm us like a giant wave at the edge of the ocean.
This is the time you lean into those challenges and look for the strength to meet them head-on.
No, it's not easy.
Yes, it can be devastating.
But, you've faced challenges before and you'll face them again, so it's really a matter of looking them straight in the eye and working through them.
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Photo Credit: Pixabay |
Make a list of all the challenges you've had, say in the past year or so...
Think about how you overcame them and how they changed you.
Was it for the better? Are you mentally, physically, or emotionally stronger?
Do you wish you could have done something differently?
Now, let this guide you for the next challenge when it presents itself.
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