Everyday, we close things in our lives without really thinking about it.
A car door, a cabinet, a good book, a house door, our eyes.
Closure is good if it's keeping the dog from getting outside, or the heat escaping from your hot oven, the air condition swooshing out, or even signing settlement papers on your home.
Not all closure is as easy as a swing of a door or a swipe of a pen.
Some closure is messy and painful and hard to accept.
However, it's a fact of life that we must all face.
We need to SEE the closure for what it is.
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Photo Credit: Pixabay |
Closure can be the end of the hardest day of your life.
It can be many things for many different people, and while that day may not feel likes it's going to end, the ending eventually comes and you may be left with a whole lot of unresolved feelings and issues.
Everyday starts and ends.
It's without question and no matter how many times we wish we could control it, we never will.
A day ending means the beginning of another one.
A chance to start fresh or not.
A new start everyday is what each and everyone of us on this planet get to experience.
How we choose to end and start each day is the only thing we have control over.
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Photo Credit: Caio Resende |
Sometimes endings are closing a chapter to the big book we call our individual lives.
We all have chapters.
Birth, babyhood, childhood, adulthood.
Single, in a relationship, married, divorced, widowed.
Training, employed, unemployed, transitional.
You get the drift.
We all go through so many "chapters" in our lives it's hard to define each and everyone.
In fact, the story of our lives are still being written, so how many chapters are afforded or are offered to us is yet to be discovered.
Many people are afraid of the next chapter.
Which in and of itself can be paralyzing and hinder us from moving on and finding some of the best days and experiences of our lives haven't even happened to us yet.
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Photo Credit: Pixabay |
Sometimes, doors are closed on us.
Some were opened and simply closed with the passing of time.
Some were never opened to us and never will be.
We may spend agaonizing time wondering what's behind that door; what are we missing; why can't we pass through?
These doors can keep us out, but they can also keep us physically and emotionally safe.
Not all doors lead to great things, no matter how much we convince ourselves of that fact.
Some doors are simply a pass through to another door.
The trick is to distinguish and accept the doors that are opened to us and not grieve for the doors that weren't.
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Photo Credit: Burak Rostak |
One of the hardest things about closure can be the end of relationships.
They can be romantic relationships that didn't work out or stand the test of time - even when we convinced ourselves that they would.
They can be familial relationships that for one complicated reason or another need to end to save the mental health of one or both of the parties involved.
They can be friendships that have simply run their course and for whatever reason one or both of the parties involved need to move forward and away from the other.
These can be some of the hardest relationships to close because the loss of them can be felt physically as well as emotionally.
Just like in the event of death, closure in relationships need time to grieve.
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Photo Credit: Jill Wellington |
But there is hope.
Like I mentioned before, tomorrow is always a new day.
The sun rises.
Time marches on.
We make the decision to SEE the closure, the new day, the passing of time, and come out on the other side better.
SEE...it all comes down to choices.
Choose to acknowledge the closure and find the hope.
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