Monday, September 10, 2018

September Essential Rewards

I love the beginning of each month.  It's when Young Living posts their Essential Rewards (ER) Freebies for all members signed up for ER.

Essential Rewards is a great, easily managed system of ordering monthly from Young Living.  I like it because it doesn't add cost to your budget as it replaces purchases you normal buy each month.

Here's an example:
We typically purchase items like shampoo, conditioner, lotions, make-up, dish soap, laundry detergent, baby products, cleaning products, cough drops, and supplements at a variety of stores at any given moment in the month.  The cost to us is what's on the tag.  IF you have a credit card and/or loyalty card from that store, you may receive a discount, or earn points (like 5000 points which equals $5.00 ONCE you've acquired that threshold).  However, does that store also offer you 24% off the price immediately upon purchase?  If you purchase a certain dollar amount do they give you FREE items? Well, YL does that with their ER members.

Let me break it down:
Each month, I go into my YL account and start my "list" of items that need to be ordered.  I add and delete the list as needed, refining it many times over and over until I get it exactly right for our family.  I pick my processing date for the month (which can be changed monthly as you see fit) and wait for it to be processed.  My payment is processed on that date...not before.  Because I have been an ER member of several years (explained in the video below), I EARN 25% of my purchase BACK each month in what are called ER points.  I let them ride and accrue each month until I want to purchase something with those points.

YES, I get an immediate 24% discount on the cost of each product PLUS earn 25% in points in addition.

So why is ER so great?

1 - I get to try products that I otherwise would not try, or maybe even know about.  For the month of September, YL has thoughtfully put together items that support your family and keep them above the wellness line.  Back to school can mean increased needs for wellness.  Our home personally uses Digize frequently, and we take Inner Defense daily.  I could not function if I didn't have these two items in our home.

2 - If I spend $300 for the month, I will get my ER points added to my account, AND receive all 6 products below for FREE.  The cost of purchasing those products out of pocket is a whopping

3 - As I need items from YL, like Frankincense in the 15ml bottle ($99.34 retail cost; $75.50 member cost) I can use ER points to "purchase" my bottle and pay only for shipping.  Shipping for me is $6.99.  Bottom line, my bottle will cost me $6.99!

4 - You are only required to order $50 each month to remain and stay in ER each month an earn your discounts.  Once your order reaches $100, you being receiving free product as indicated in the picture above.  I know many members wait to process their order to see what the freebies are each month and then customize their order accordingly.

5 - Members can opt of ER at any time with no penalties.  However, once you opt out, you start back at the 10% points earned threshold.

Young Living has a great video explaining Essential Rewards.

If you are already a member, it's super easy to sign up for ER right in your YL Virtual Office.  When you sign up, I will send you a FREE gift from me.  In addition, I am available to help you navigate virtual office if it's easier for you.

If you are not a member, simply join my Joyfully Unspoiled team and receive a FREE gift from me.  I can help you as well with this, simply contact me and we can chat.

Happy Oiling!

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