Are you one of those people who loves to "rummage" through things?
I am.
As a child I would beg my grandmother to let me snoop through her attics, looking for bits and bobs of interesting memorabilia and stuff.
Purses are like attics - they hold the most needed things of the owner, close and at hand.
I remember as a young child being taught that you NEVER went into your mother's (or anyone's) purse for anything.
In fact, even now, if we're together and she asks me to grab her wallet or something else out, I will bring her the purse.
The only exception is if she is driving.
Believe me, those "rules" run deep with me.
However, I do love to know what ladies keep in their purses.
I'm letting you inside my bag today!
Let's get started...
It was time to first change out my current purse.
This was a great black quilted, no-name, number that I picked up in Marshall's and really love using it.
I took everything out, checking pockets and pouches and wiping it down with a damp cloth before storing it.
This is what was in my purse after the great dump out.
I started by separating things into like piles so I could fully assess what would stay and what would go.
My checkbook and RFID cardholder was going to stay, of course.
These types of cases block anyone from trying to scan your credit card strips through your purse.
My prescription glasses are in the hard case with a nice cleaning cloth.
My sunglasses always go in this hard Brighton case.
It's size really works great with oversized lenses, and I just change out my sunglasses as needed.
I added a few cleansing wipes from one of my other small bags to the bottom of the case so they were more readily accessible.
My hot tea caddy with Truvia packs was an easy grab because it didn't need any reorganization.
It's super slimline, and I love my hot tea so much I want to have bags when I'm out and about.
(Although that's not been a lot lately.)
My Happy Planner that's sized perfectly for travel can always be found in my purse.
I don't keep this one all "fancy-schmancy" because I just need to record appointments and notes to transfer into my big calendar.
I also keep a laminated sheet of the colors that look best with my skin tone and hair.
I do think that certain colors work best for each person, and making sure I buy clothing and jewelry items in my color palette means that I will choose and wear them more often.
I just downloaded this palette from the internet, printed it, then laminated it.
I opened and dumped up a bag that had a variety of items inside.
I grabbed a set of these TSA approved bags because they had so much versatility and size selection.
If you use bags like this in your purse, the chance of items getting lost on the bottom, hidden below larger items is avoided.
Nothing is worse than searching through a purse looking for a small item like hand cream or gum.
Some of the items went to other homes, like the lens-wipes and the Truvia.
I also had a collection of these "refund" credit cards, each with a few dollars left on them.
I don't know about you, but I'm not real fond of how companies are "refunding" us using "credit cards" with the refund balances.
It's hard to use them when they have limits...
I kept my card case as is, I just decided to rehome it to a different bag.
I then dumped the smaller of the two bags.
This had a whole bunch of stuff!
Mostly items centered around personal care.
Things like the essential oils that I reach for when I'm out, especially the ones that are "go-to oils."
I always like to keep a few grooming items as well as a few headache tablets available.
I love my Dollar Tree all in one tool as well as my purse holder.
I found this little gem a long time ago.
It folds out and allows me to my purse on the edge of a table instead of putting it on the floor (a big no-no) or hanging off the back of the chair - especially as many chairs no longer have the backs that will hold them.
I decided to put my sample oils back in my bag with my bottles this time and not in this little pouch.
Of course, I have a little collection of lipsticks and lip balm.
When I find a lipstick that I love and use often, I buy more than one of that color.
I keep one lipstick in my make-up drawer and one in my purse.
This way I don't have to transfer that lipstick back and forth from drawer to purse!
At this point, I had everything that I was going to return to my purse better organized and ready to go inside.
I separated them into categories that made the most sense to me.
Having those clear bags also helps to see what's in a bag so I'm not frustrated looking at it from only the opened zipper.
I took those items that were more on a "personal-care" level and packed them all into the larger of the two bags.
See how easy it is to see them all?
I then packed only my oils into the smaller one, which allows me easy sight as well.
And then it was all done and ready to be put into my spring purse.
Everything tucked away very neatly and it's easy to grab and retrieve as needed.
I love an organized purse.
It makes my life so much easier, even if I'm not going many places to take it right now.