I love technology.
It makes my life so much easier in so many ways.
Today, I want to share my most frequently used apps that I have on my iPhone and iPad.
Let's get started!
FIRST: I love Instagram!
If I can say it out loud, I'm really over Facebook. I stay on FB because it keeps me in contact with my friends and their life stories.
But, I get tired of all the ads, politics, and needless "stuff" that hounds my feed.
Instagram has great photos and typically short captions.
I can follow celebrities and people I admire.
The hashtags are fun and have opened up some really new products and people to me.
I can even follow the hashtags that pertain to my specific interests.
SECOND: Audible is the BEST!
Audible is a company under the Amazon umbrella.
It allows you to download books, usually read by the author, and LISTEN to them while traveling in the car, at the gym, or relaxing anywhere you can access the internet and use headphones or a Bluetooth accessory.
Yes, I listen to Audible even on my short 5-minute ride to the gym.
With the Audible subscription, you earn points that you can use to buy books.
I especially like "Self-Help" books.
I'm currently listening to Atomic Habits by James Clear.
On our way to California last year I actually listened to The Source by James Michener. It was the only Michener book I've ever "read!"
THIRD: YouTube is my personal TV
I can honestly say that I watch more YouTube than actual television.
I love that I can hone my organization skills, watch cooking videos, and relax to art restoration videos whenever I get a few minutes here or there.
I've "subscribed" to some favorite YouTubers which I shared in a previous post.
If I'm watching a "Before and After" I have been known to fast forward to the end just to see the reveal.
Plus, if you are EVER at a loss for how to do something, I can pretty much, 99% guarantee, that there is a video out there for you.
FOURTH: Pinterest is a Dream!
If you like saving images for ANYTHING, then Pinterest is a great way to digitally have THOUSANDS of images at your fingertips.
I've been using it for new recipes that we've been trying out for dinners.
We've had some great results with easy dinners that have all come from Pinterest.
Pinterest has also really worked on their platform options, allowing you to subfile in your main files.
For my EAT file, I've got many different categories that allow me to access my pins more readily.
If you struggle with Pinterest, go to YouTube and watch a few videos to help you!
FIFTH: My Water Reminder
I've made a commitment to drink more water, but it can be super hard to remember to drink and KEEP drinking.
Using an app has helped me greatly.
It dings my phone and vibrates my watch to gently "remind" me to take a drink.
I can also record all that I drink during the day for the total number of fluid ounces.
It's actually helping me create a habit that will eventually become second nature.
Use the app store on your phone to find apps that can help you.
It's certainly not breaking any rules!
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